Thursday, March 23, 2017

Shamrock and rainbow painting

Our preschool classroom had some extra shamrocks and shared them with us. We set out jars of paint and brushes. They enjoyed dipping their brushes and trading jars with each other.

Once the shamrocks were painted, I rolled out paper on the floor since they still wanted to paint. They enjoyed walking in the paint and spreading it around the paper.

Happy spring!!

Teacher Lesley

Bubble wrap painting

Our little ones love painting and bubble wrap, so when I saw the idea to combine the two on Pinterest, I knew we would have to try it. I started out by rolling paper out on the floor, putting paint on it and then taping bubble wrap on top of the paint.

Ready for stomping, squishing and popping....

R taking the first steps and squishing paint...

F crawling on the bubble wrap...

E and R popping individual bubbles...

L squishing paint and popping bubbles...

They enjoyed watching the paint spread as they walked and crawled across the bubble wrap. Feeling the bubbles pop beneath their feet was fun, too! I enjoyed watching the looks of concentration as they tried to pop individual bubbles and the looks of satisfaction when they succeeded.

Teacher Lesley

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Birdseed, yellow chicks and driftwood

What a fun morning my friends in Green Room had today! The weather has been so beautiful and I've noticed all the beautiful birds coming out out to play, especially after our recent big storm. Inspired by this, I decided to create a sensory bin filled with bird seed, bright yellow toy chicks, driftwood, yellow curly ribbon, and various containers to open and close.

I created a tubing structure which was placed over the sensory bin so my friends could sift and pour through the holes and observe the seed drop down. Before long, my friends were in the sensory bin pouring seed over their own hands and feet...even in their hair!

A few of my friends even stretched out in the seed for a whole body experience...ha ha, so much fun! In addition to bird seed fun, I created a large board covered with contact paper (sticky side up) for my friends to do some sand painting with salt and pepper shakers filled with colorful sand.

From sticky contact paper, to smooth sand, to shakers that made lots of noise... we loved it!

Have a great week everyone!
Teacher Rosemary

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