Our Green Room ducklings can't resist the invitation of splashing in a shallow kiddie pool!

Even some of our littlest friends got to enjoy dipping their toes in the water...

...and that quickly turned into a full-body experience!

We added funnels and scoopers from our sand box for exploring the liquid properties of water.

It's not quite the same sensation as shoveling sand!

We also added some foam shapes to the water, which the kids had fun exploring.

The foam shapes floated nicely in our tub and kiddie pool.

They also made good tools for moving the water back and forth.

Plus, the shapes were a great way for the kids to examine how different materials react in water.

Some of our kiddos were napping during our first round of water play. So, in the afternoon, we filled up the kiddie pool again and let them have a turn.

They were a little tentative at first...

...But not for long!

They were also fascinated by the colorful foam shapes in the water.

We played some Raffi water-themed songs like "Baby Beluga" and "Down By the Bay." The kids enjoyed the combination of being outside, listening to the music, and playing in the water.

Enjoy the sunshine this week!
Teacher Katie